- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association
- Turkish Medical Association
- First Aid and Treatment for Burns Course – Ankara Surgeons Association, Ankara, 2003
- Maxillofacial Surgery Workshop and Course – GATA, Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery USA, Ankara, 2004
- Oncoplastic Breast Surgery Course – Ankara Pulmonary Diseases Association, Ankara, 2006
- Rıdvan Ege 3. Basic Hand Surgery Course – Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Association, Ankara, 2009
- Hair and Brow Transplantation with FUE Method Course – 32. National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Congress, Trabzon, 2010
- Epithesis and Implant Applications Course – 32. National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Congress, Trabzon, 2010
- 8. Experimental Animals Application and Ethics Course – Gazi University, Ankara, 2010
- 12. Basic Microsurgery Course – Reconstructive Microsurgery Association, İstanbul, 2012
- 5. Rhinoplasty Course – Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Ankara, 2012
- Rıdvan Ege Basic Hand Surgery Course – 8 – Turkish Hand and Upper Extremity Surgery Association, Ankara, 2013
- Winter Symposium ‘Supportive Initiatives in Aesthetic Surgery’ Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Bolu, 2003
- 25. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, Samsun, 2003
- 26. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, Ankara, 2004
- Research Types, Ethical Rules and Work Creation Principles, Ankara, 2004
- Multidisciplinary Wound Care Meeting – Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Mersin, 2004
- Guven Medical Days – Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Panel, Ankara Güven Hospital, Ankara, 2005
- 27. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, Konya, 2005
- Turkey Burn and Burn Disasters Association 3. Congress, Ankara, 2005
- 32. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Congress, Trabzon, 2010
- Plastic Surgery Special Joint Meeting-Turkish Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgeons, Konya, 2011
- Genital Area Aesthetic Applications Meeting, Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Association, İstanbul, 2011
- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association 34. National Congress, Antalya, 2012
- 8th BAPRAS Congress – Balkan Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery, Budva, Montenegro, 2013
- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association 35. National Congress, İstanbul, 2013
- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association 36. National Congress, İstanbul, 2014
- Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association 36. National Congress, İstanbul, 2014
A1. Şahin Ü, Özdil K, Üsçetin İ, Sayılkan S, Öktem F, Yüce S, Velidedeoğlu H, Çelebioğlu S. Cleft palate and Congenital alveolar synechia syndrom. Plast Reconstr Surg 2005, 115(4): 1212-1213.
A2. Demir Z, Özdil K, Karamürsel S, Yüce S, Öktem F, Çelebioğlu S. Reconstruction of the columella with bilateral nostril sill flaps. Annals of otology, rhinology & laryngology. 2006, 115(3): 239-242.
A3. Demir Z, Yüce S, Karamürsel S, Çelebioğlu S. Orbicularis oculi myocutaneous advancement flap for upper eyelid reconstruction. Plast Reconstr Surg. 2008 Feb; 121(2): 443-50.
A4. Selcuk CT, Sahin U, Celebioglu S, Erbas O, Aydin C, Yüce S. Complex Craniofacial Reconstruction With Prostheses as an Alternative Method to Autogenous Reconstruction. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Nov; 22(6): 2090-3.
A5. Çandırlı C, Yüce S, Yıldırım S, Sert H. Histopathologic evaluation of autologous blood injection to the temporomandibular joint. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Nov; 22(6): 2202-4.
A6. Çandırlı C, Yüce S, Çavuş U.Y, Akın K, Çakır B. Autologous blood injection to the temporomandibular joint: magnetic resonance imaging findings. Imaging Science in Dentistry. 2012; 42(1): 13-8.
A7. Ekiz Ö, Yüce G, Ulaşlı S.S, Ekiz F, Yüce S, Başar Ö. Factors influencing skin ageing in a Mediterranean population from Turkey. Clin Exp Dermatol. 2012 Jul; 37(5): 492-6.
A8. Baltacıoğlu M, Yüce S. A rare cause of median nerve compression: a fibroma originating from the tendon sheath in the carpal tunnel. Eastern Journal of Medicine (2013); 18(3): 139-141.
A9. Çandırlı C, Korkmaz YT, Yüce S, Dayısoylu EH, Taşkesen F. The effect of chronic temporomandibular joint dislocation: frequency on the success of autologous blood injection. Journal of Maxilofacial and Oral Surgery 2013 Dec; 12(4): 414-7.
A10. Yüce S, Gökçe C, Işıkdemir A, Koç E.R, Cemil D.B, Gökçe A, Sargon M.F. An experimental comparison of the effects of propolis, curcumin and methylprednisolone on crush injuries of the sciatic nerve. Annals of Plastic Surgery 2013 Dec 5. DOI: 10.1097/SAP.0000000000000026
A11. Yüce S, Çandırlı C, Yıldırım S, Muslu B. New hemostatic agent: the effect of ankaferd blood stopper on healing wounds in experimental skin incision model. Turk J Med Sci 2014 44(2): 288-294.
A12. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Hoşnuter M, Işık D. Technical details concerning myomucosal advancement method in the repair of large lower lip defects. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 July; 25(4): e318-e320. DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000000584.
A13. Yüce S, Demir Z, Selçuk CT, Çelebioğlu S. Reconstruction of periorbital region defects: a retrospective study. Annals of Maxillofacial Surgery 2014 (Jan.-June); 4(1): 45-50. DOI: 10.4103/2231-0746.133077
A14. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Işık D. Technical details of rotation palatoplasty in a patient with veau 1 cleft palate. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Sep; 25(5): 1862-1863. DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000000970
A15. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Koçak ÖF, Canbaz Y, Güner Şİ, Atik B, Işık D. Comparison of the fistula risk associated with rotation palatoplasty and conventional palatoplasty for cleft palate repair. J Craniofac Surg. 2014 Sep; 25(5): 1728-1733. DOI: 10.1097/SCS.0000000000000967
A16. Kömürcü M, Yüce S, Yavuz OY, Uraş İ, Uygun M, Kürklü M. Index finger pollicization for treating a congenitally nonfunctioning thumb in patients with radial longitudinal deficiency. Eastern Journal of Medicine 2014; 19(4): 175-181.
A17. Yüce S, Öksüz M, Ersöz ME, Kahraman A, Işık D, Atik B. Investigation of skin cancer in the geriatric age group. Turkish Journal of Geriatrics 2014; 17(3): 228-233.
A18. Kömürcü M, Yüce S, Yavuz OY, Uraş İ, Uygun M, Kürklü M. Our experiences in surgical treatment of Bayne tye 3 and 4 radial longitudinal deficiencies. European Journal of General Medicine 2015; 12(1): 26-31.
A19. Erpolat S, Yüce S, Yenidünya S. Kolda viyolase nodül: Tanınız nedir? TURKDERM dergisinde kabul edildi.
A20. Yüce S, Öksüz M, Ersöz ME, Kahraman A, Işık D, Atik B. Use with tissue expander face, scalp and neck reconstruction. Eur J Gen Med 2015; 12(3):217-221.
A21. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Koçak ÖF, Canbaz Y, Işık D. Congenital lateral cleft palate of unknown etiology. J Craniofac Surg. 2015 Jun;26(4):1332-3.
A22. Öksüz M, Yüce S, Koçak ÖF, Canbaz Y, Rağbetli MÇ, Mercantepe T. Effects of ozone pretreatment on viability of random pattern skin flaps in rats. J Plast Surg Hand Surg. 2015 May 21:1-6.
A23. Isik D, Bora A, Yüce S, Davran R, Kocak OF, Canbaz Y, Avcu S, Atik B. Comparison of the effect of the rotation palatoplasty and V-Y pushback palatoplasty techniques on palate elongation with magnetic resonance imaging. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2015 Jun;44(6):738-44.
B1. Çandırlı C, Yüce S, Çavus U.Y., Akın K., Çakır B. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Evaluation of Autologous Blood Injection for Chronic Recurrent Temporomandibular Joint Dislocation. Plastic Surgery Special Joint Meeting, 20-21 May 2011, Konya – TURKEY.
B2. Çandırlı C, Yüce S, Yıldırım S., Sert H. Histopathologic Evaluation of Autologous Blood Injection to the Temporomandibular Joint in a Rabbit Model’ Plastic Surgery Special Joint Meeting, 20-21 May 2011, Konya – TURKEY.
B3. Yüce S, Demir Z, Selçuk C.T, Çelebioğlu S.A retrospective study on the reconstruction of periorbital region defects. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B4. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Koçak O.F, Canbaz Y, Işık D. Congenital lateral cleft palate. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B5. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Koçak O.F, Canbaz Y, Guner S.I, Atik B, Işık D. Comparison of the fistula risk associated with rotation palatoplasty and conventional palatoplasty for cleft palate repair. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B6. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Koçak O.F, Canbaz Y, Işık D. Giant molluscum contagiosum in scalp: a case report. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B7. Yüce S, Koçak O.F, Bulut G, Tekin H, Kahraman A. Hydatid cyst with atypical location. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B8. Yüce S, Koçak O.F, Sultanoğlu Y, Ersöz M.E, Işık D.Spontaneous flexor tendon rupture developed in neurofibromatosis base. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B9. Yüce S, Gokce E.C, Isikdemir A, Koc E.R, Cemil D.B, Gokce A, Sargon M.F. The experimental comparison of the effects of propolis, curcumin and methylprednisolone in crush injury of sciatic nerve. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B10. Yüce S, Çandirli C, Yenidunya S, Muslu B.New hemostatic agent: the effect of Ankaferd Blood Stopper on healing wounds in experimental skin incision model. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B11. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Işık D.Technical detail of Rotation Palatoplasty in patient with Veau 1 cleft palate (Kernehan cleft no:11). 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B12. Isik D, Aydın B, Yüce S, Davran R, Kocak O.F, Canbaz Y, Avcu S, Atik B.Comparison of the effects of rotation palatoplasty and pushback palatoplasty techniques on palatal elogation with magnetic resonance imaging. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B13. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Tekin H, Canbaz Y, Sultanoğlu Y. Reconstruction of the tibia with bipedicle fibular flap. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B14. Kömürcü M, Yüce S, Yavuz O.Y, Uraş I, Uygun M, Kürklü M. Index finger pollicization for treating a congenitally nonfunctioning thumb in patients with radial longitudinal deficiency. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
B15. Kömürcü M, Yüce S, Yavuz O.Y, Uraş I, Uygun M, Kürklü M. Surgical treatment of type 3 and 4 radial longitudinal deficiency and our results. 8th BAPRAS Congress, 5-8 September 2013, Budva, MONTENEGRO.
Bacakoğlu A.K, Özkan Y, Canbora M.K, Küçük L, Meriç G, Polat A, Çopuroğlu C, Deveci M.A, Yüce S. Approach to Open Fracture Soft Tissue Injuries. Kömürcü M, Yüksel H.Y, Kürklü M, Kalenderer Ö, Editors. Open Fractures. BAYT, Bilimsel Araştırmalar Basın Yayın ve Tanıtım LTD. ŞTİ. ANKARA, 2013. Pages: 18-32.
D1. Yüce S., Sayılkan S, Özdil K, Öktem F, Demirbağ E, Velidedeoğlu H, Çelebioğlu S. A phenomenon with Gardner syndrome: Role of plastic surgeon in early diagnosis. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2005; 13(2): 148-150.
D2. Ertaş NM, Yüce S, Özpolat B, Çelebioğlu S. Our thoracoepigastric flap experiences on breast and anterior abdominal wall reconstructions. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2005; 13(3): 170-174.
D3. Demir Z, Yüce S, Özdil K, Karamürsel S, Velidedeoğlu H, Çelebioğlu S. A phenomenon of purpura fulminans: Importance of early diagnosis and treatment in saving extremities. Turkey Clinics Medical Sciences Journal 2005; 25(4): 597-599
D4. Ertaş NM, Yüce S, Küçükçelebi A, Ünlü E, Çelebioğlu S. Early period tendon transfers in radial and ulnar nerve injuries: Internal splinting. Dicle Medical Journal 2010; 37(2): 115-120
D5. Yüce S, Görpelioğlu C, Haltaş H, Yenidünya S. Nevus of nanta: Presentation of four phenomenon and literature review. Turkey Clinics J Dermatol 2010; 20(3): 167-70.
D6. Yüce S, Öktem F, Erbaş O, Şahin Ü, Velidedeoğlu H, Çelebioğlu S.Turner A phenomenon with Turner Syndrome: Fixing neck deformity with five-fold flap. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2010; 18(3): 133-137.
D7. Yüce S. A phenomenon with Turner Syndrome: Fixing neck deformity with five-fold flap. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2010; 18(3): 133-137.
D8. Yüce S, Işıkdemir A, Tekerekoğlu B. Geriatrics and Plastic Surgery. New Medical Journal 2013; 30(4): 214-219.
D9. Yüce S, Koçak Ö.F, Bulut G, Tekin H, Kahraman A. Atypical positioned hydatid cyst. New Medical Journal 2014; 31: 131-132.
D10. Yüce S,Koçak Ö.F, Sultanoğlu Y, Ersöz M.E, Işık D. Spontaneous flexor tendon rupture developed on the basis of neurofibromatosis. Turkish Plastic Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2014; 22(2): 78-79.
D11. Yüce S,, Öksüz M, Ersöz ME, Sultanoğlu Y, Özsular Y. Nasal Glioma: A rare congenital anomaly. New Medical Journal 2014; 31: 209-210.
D12. Yüce S,Öksüz M, Sultanoğlu Y, Ersöz ME, Özsular Y. Chondroid Syringoma: A phenomenon with rare localization. Clinic and Experimental Researches Journal 2014; 5 (3): 441-443.
D13. Yüce S, Öksüz M, Ersöz ME, Kahraman A, Işık D, Atik B. Studying Trauma Phenomenon of Geriatric Age Group Patients Applied to Plastic Surgery Clinic. Van Medical Journal 2015; 22(3): 149-154
D14. Işık D, Bilici S, Canbaz Y, Geçit İ, Yüce S, Atik B. New Recommendations for Fixing Serious Hypospadias Complications. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal 2015 23(3): 94-101.
D15. Tibia Reconstruction with Bipedicled Fibular Flap. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Tekin H, Canbaz Y, Sultanoğlu Y. It is accepted in Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
D16. A Forgotten Disease Lepra and Extremity Lesions: Phenomenon Presentation. Öksüz M, Koçak ÖF, Yüce S, Topkara A, Sultanoğlu Y. It is accepted in Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
D17. An Alternative Method to Free Flap Method for Hand Tissue Defects: Groin Flap. It is accepted in Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Journal.
E1. Velidedeoğlu H.V, Kurtay A, Demir Z, Yüce S, Üsçetin İ, Çelebioğlu S. A new method in Stahl’s ear deformity: Anterior approach and repair with purse string suture. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association, Winter Symposium, “Supportive Initiatives in Aesthetic Surgery”, 2003 – Bolu, Turkey.
E2. Ertaş N, Yüce S, Çelebioğlu S. Reconstruction of full-thickness breast-wall defects with thoracoepigastric flap in locally advanced breast cancer (LABC). Winter Symposium, “Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery”, 2005- Ilgaz, Turkey.
E3. . Ertaş N, Kurtay A, Yüce S, Çelebioğlu S. Advantages of subcutaneous pedicled flap use in breast tissue with burn scar. Winter Symposium, “Aesthetic and Reconstructive Breast Surgery”, 2005- Ilgaz, Turkey.
E4. Selçuk T, Yüce S, Kurtay A, Üregen S.E, Velidedeoğlu H, Çelebioğlu S. Our local flap experiences in eyelid defects. 27. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Congress, 2005- Konya. Turkey.
E5. Yüce S. An unexpected dermatitis scene after rhinoplasty. 32. National Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association Congress, 2010- Trabzon, Turkey.
E6. Yüce S, Çandırlı C, Yıldırım S, Muslu B. Effect of New Hemostatic Agent Ankaferd Blood Stopper on Injury Recovery, Experimental Skin Cut Model. 34. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 2012- Antalya, Turkey.
E7. Yüce S, Gökçe E.C, Işıkdemir A, Koç E.R, Cemil D.B, Gökçe A, Sargon M.F. Experimental comparison of effects of propolis, curcumin and prednol in sciatic nerve crush injury. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E8. Kahraman A, Yüce S, Koçak Ö.F, Canbaz Y, Güner Ş.İ, Atik B, Işık D. Comparison of rotation palatoplasty and conventional palatoplasty methods in terms of fistule risk in repairing cleft palate. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E9. Kahraman A, Yüce S,Koçak Ö.F, Canbaz Y, Sultanoğlu Y, Işık D. A rare phenomenon: Lateral palatal cleft. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E10. Yüce S,Koçak Ö.F, Bulut G, Tekin H, Kahraman A. Atypical positioned cyst hydatid. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E11. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Hoşnuter M, Işık D. Technical details of myomucosal advancement method in repairing wide lower lip defects. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E12. Yüce S, Koçak Ö.F, Sultanoğlu Y, Ersöz M.E, Işık D. Spontaneous flexor tendon rupture developing on the basis of neurofibromatosis. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E13. Yüce S, Işıkdemir A, Çandırlı C, Uraş İ, Yavuz O.Y, Esen H.H, Avunduk M.C, Kiraz N. Histomorphometric analysis of silver added synthetic bone grafts in rat skull defects. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.
E14. Yüce S, Kahraman A, Işık D. Technical details of rotation palatoplasty in patient with veau 1 cleft palate. 35. Turkish Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery Association National Congress, 28-31 October 2013, Istanbul, Turkey.