What Is Prp Treatment?
Blood constantly moving in your veins is composed of two main factors. One of them is plasma cells. Approximately 50-60% of blood is plasma in the form of liquid. One of the main cells of blood is platelets. Main duty of platelet is to start coagulation process. In case of a cut, platelets reach to skin surface and create a protective layer to stop bleeding. This layer has a significant role in injury recovery. New tissue emergence happens in a very short time period.
PRP is the abbreviation of “platelet-rich plasma.” In PRP application, a small of blood is taken from the person and this blood is centrifuged in a special tube in order to be decomposed. Afterwards, its platelet-rich part obtained is given to the same person through injection.
Who Are Eligible Candidates For Prp Treatment?
PRP application is one of the areas of cellular therapy. Firstly, it is started to be used in areas where tooth implant is applied. Then, it has started to be used in many areas like aesthetic medicine, orthopedics, injury treatments, and sports injuries due to its recovery accelerating effects.
Its areas of use in aesthetic medicine:
- Hair loss prevention
- Facial rejuvenation
- Body rejuvenation (hands, inner legs, arms)
- Wrinkle treatment
- Injury treatment
- Scar treatment
- Acne scar treatment
- Skin blemish problems
For Whom Prp Treatment Is Not Suitable?
PRP treatment is not suitable for people with insufficient amount of platelets and cancer patients.
What Are The Purposes Of Prp Treatment?
Aging of our skin is the same with injury process and occurs as a result of loss of some physical qualities. Platelets are the components of blood which consists of growth factors needed for damaged body tissues’ recovery and reverting to their natural situation. When there is a damage in our tissues, our blood starts repairing process by gathering platelets to this tissue. Generally, this process starts not to be sufficient by aging. The purpose of PRP application is to provide more platelets to the tissue than the blood can carry there. Therefore, damaged tissue repair starts very quickly. This is because of the 2- or 4-times higher density of platelets obtained by PRP than the platelet amount in blood.
What Is Done During Prp Treatment?
PRP application is a procedure which takes around 15–20 minutes. As it is made by small injections, there will be no aches other than slight sensitivity. There is no problem of overdose and can be applied comfortably.
1 or 2 tubes of blood (10-20 cc) is taken from the person and centrifuged. As a result of this, platelets are separated and gathered in a tube, and active platelets release growth factors. This product obtained is injected to the same person’s skin by mesotherapy or filling. After the application, with the rejuvenator effect of PRP on skin, a shiny, lively and healthy look is gotten.
What Is The Session Frequency And Number Of Applications In Prp Treatment?
With 15-30 days gaps, 3 or 4 application sessions can be done and can be repeated in the same way after 1 year. After this application, a session in each two years should be made. In this way, the results would be longer lasting.
How Is The Recovery Period? How Long Resting Is Needed?
You can easily go back to your daily routine after the application.
What Are The Complications Of Prp Treatment?
It is a safe application as the person’s own blood is used and it is a closed system.
When Will We See The Absolute Results Of The Application?
After it is applied to the skin, a healthy, shiny, fresh appearance is obtained. Additionally, a lasting impact is left after 3-4 applications. Shine, glimmer and recovery takes place.